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About Blueshift

Blueshift is an artificial intelligence (AI)-enabled solution designed to help marketing teams engage with customers across multiple sources including emails, websites and mobile applications. Professionals can utilize predictive segmentation tool to segment users based on content interactions, channel engagement, behaviors, user attributes and geo-location. With cross-device identity resolution functionality, employees can maintain customer profiles and record client interactions in real-time. Blueshift allows marketers to personalize messages by adding customizable images and content blocks within templates. Additionally, the application provides a reporting module for businesses to generate campaign reports and gain insights into customer activities. Blueshift comes with an application programming interface (API), which facilitates integration with third-party platforms such as Magento, Slack, Shopify, Google Ads, Mailgun and more. Pricing is available on request and support is extended via phone, email, documentation and other online measures.
Blueshift Software - Blueshift email temlates
Blueshift Software - Blueshift send timing
Blueshift Software - Blueshift campaign statistics
Blueshift Software - Blueshift email temlates - thumbnail
Blueshift Software - Blueshift send timing - thumbnail
Blueshift Software - Blueshift campaign statistics - thumbnail

Blueshift pricing

Blueshift does not have a free version but does offer a free trial. Blueshift paid version starts at US$60,000.00.

Starting Price:
Free Version:
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